
A complete library management system
Description : The purpose of the system is mainly to provide automation to the library. The categories of users provided are :Admin: He can read or write the information about any member and can update, delete or create a membership plan.Operator:He can open the account of membership to the new members.The Scope of the application is wide and can be used with Any education institute and also can be used in offices with the necessary modifications done.The three major components in the application are: There are two different users who will be using this product: • Librarian who will be acting as the administrator
• Student of the University who will be accessing the Library online.
The features that are available to the Librarian are:
• A librarian can issue a book to the student
• Can view The different categories of books available in the Library .
• Can view the List of books available in each category
• Can take the book returned from students
• Add books and their information of the books to the database
• Edit the information of the existing books.
• Can check the report of the issued Books.
• Can access all the accounts of the students.
The features available to the Students are:
• Can view The different categories of books available in the Library
• Can view the List of books available in each category
• Can own an account in the library
• Can view the books issued to him
• Can put a request for a new book
• Can view the history of books issued to him previously
• Can search for a particular book.
The current Library system of College works manually. This staff handles the whole system. The system includes issuing and returning of books. The staff keeps information of books, of student and of faculty members. The faculty members are teacher and non-teaching staff. Also staffs have to keep information about daily transaction of books. In daily transaction process student demands for book in inquiry window. The availability demanded book and gives book availability details to student. If book is available, Librarian fills up book information and student information. If staff demand for book then librarian fill up person information and issues book. While returning book, librarian checks students data and check date of return. If a faulty member wants to return books then librarian check person information and accept book. If management wants to enter book, the book code is given by itself. At the end of year make a list of students who not return their books. This list then submitted in College Office.
Technology: Backend: Apache tomcat server, MS Access.
FrontEnd:Servlets, HTML, Java script
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