C++ Programming Toturial for Students

MyPiano 3.0 is a simple piano developed in C++ using graphics functions Source
PC to PC Communication via RS232 port. Chat with only 3-wire connection. Source
This source code introduces the important and yet nontraditional "Design patterns" approach to program design. Source
Defensive Programming Techniques Writing perfect software may be an elusive Holy Grail for developers, but a few defensive techniques, routinely applied, can go a long way toward narrowing the gap between code and ideal. Source
The Standard C++ Library: Generic algorithms are at the core of computing. To be able to write an algorithm once and for all to work with any type of sequence makes your programs both simpler and safer. The ability to customize algorithms at runtime has revolutionalized software development. Source
The Standard C++ Library  IOStreams: The iostreams classes are usually the first part of the C++ library that new C++ programmers learn to use. This chapter discusses how iostreams are an improvement over C's stdio facilities and explores the behavior of file and string streams in addition to the standard console streams. Source
Demonstration of inheritance in C++ Programming Language Source
Miltiple Inheritance The basic concept of multiple inheritance (MI) sounds simple enough: you create a new type by inheriting from more than one base class. The syntax is exactly what you'd expect, and as long as the inheritance diagrams are simple, MI can be simple as well. Source
Exception Handling Exceptions are one of those features that provide immediate and significant benefits to your project. Source
The Standard C++ Library Strings: Standard C++ not only incorporates all the Standard C libraries (with small additions and changes to support type safety), it also adds libraries of its own. The string class member functions provide a fairly comprehensive set of tools for creating, modifying, and searching in strings. Source
Flexible Vector and Matrix (Vectors and Matrix with Arbitrary Bounds) Source
Binary Trees Stanford CS Education Library: introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++ and Java. Binary trees have an elegant recursive pointer structure, so they are a good way to learn recursive pointer algorithms. Source
Arrays as Data Structure This is C and C++ source code to demonstrate the use of Arrays as data structure. Program contains four different C/C++ files which includes single and multidimensional arrays. Source

These tutorials explain the C++ language from its basics up to the newest features of ANSI-C++, including basic concepts such as arrays or classes and advanced concepts such as polymorphism or templates. The tutorial is oriented in a practical way, with working example programs in all sections to start practicing each lesson right away.
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