Online School System Project

It is a system which shows & helps you to collect most of the information about school services. This site is made by using APACHE Server which provides packages of multiple services including PHP & MYSQL.
It can be use by the public to view the list of students available and make admission of students, results and exam details. This system will help you to find the result & admission forms and details, also helps to check examination details and attendance record etc.
Online school system is a web database application that is constructed with HTML web pages.PHP programming & Apache web Server Database accessing so that people can make online interaction easily without going outside home.
In the recent years, like organizations, schools main purpose to provide the facility to the user to take advantage by the means of checking online results, taking online admissions and providing their services to users in a very easiest way.
For providing information and user oriented services to their users now organization/schools should put services on the internet to facilitate students and users. In this project we will try to learn how a typical record can be moved from manual system to the computerized system.

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