College Management
This project is aimed to design a College Information System, which is a web oriented application allows to access the whole information about the college, staffs, students, facilities. It can streamline the administration of an Institution in all areas and involves many administrative work and co-ordination, as well as to perform various operations like admissions, payroll generations, student management, staff management, library management, infrastructure management, report generation, etc This application provides a virtual tour of Campus. Here you will get the latest information about the students and staffs. This generic application designed for assisting the students and staff of the Institute regarding information on the courses, subjects, classes, assignments, grades and timetable and etc.The Online Student Registration System is an web based portal developed in ASP. Online Registration system will allow online submission of student application, Student Registration, Perform Computer based quiz/test. Stored test results, modify student profile. Online Student Registration System Project consists of two functional elements: an enhanced Student module for Registration, Edit Profile, View Test history, Change Password. Online Test/Quiz Module for Start test, give examination, calculate results, store test results, manage question banks.
Currently student submits hardcopy of filled application form to the college/university, office staff enters all data into excel file and write same in manual register. Issue hall ticket / admit card to student and conduct test for student. Students come to college and give test for the specified date. Office staff check all the paper calculate results and type all the details for taking printout and display it in college premises. College inform student to check the result, student comes to college and view the results.
Proposed online student registration system will eliminate all the manual intervention and increase the speed of whole process. System will allow student to fill the form online, system has inbuilt validation system to validate the entered data. After successful submission, system will give unique registration no for each student. Student can login into system by using registration no and give online test. System will show the result after instantly and stored the results for further use.