Student Report Card Project in C++

Student report card PROJECT in C++

This C++ mini project on STUDENT REPORT CARD has student class with data members like roll no, name, marks and grade. Member functions in this class are used for accept display details of students and a function to calculate grade based on marks obtained by student. Student Records are stored in binary file. This is a simple project using basic file handling concept. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, sample data file(.dat file) and project file(.doc file).


Online Information System Web Based Application

Online Information System of Khalid Associates” is a web based application, which is proposed to develop to coordinate and continue projects along with proper business and dealing with clients and provide information about the domain of the organization to the online users. So, basically Khalid Associates Online Information System will focus on the image of Khalid Associates (Pvt.). It is so cumbersome for the users to submit CV personally/online, Point out their comments online in discussion forum, Search company’s employees, stocks and other information related to company, so this project is proposed for the benefits of the users who have facility of Internet so that they can submit their CVs online. Users can be able to see the current job announcements. It also provides the discussion forums about different topics for the company members. It provides latest news about the company and products. All the important contents of the system will change dynamically.
This system provides two types of Common Graphical Interfaces (CGIs) for the Administrator, and the Online Users and employees respectively. Administrator is responsible for all the insertion, deletion, modifying and managing the database.


Online School System Project

It is a system which shows & helps you to collect most of the information about school services. This site is made by using APACHE Server which provides packages of multiple services including PHP & MYSQL.
It can be use by the public to view the list of students available and make admission of students, results and exam details. This system will help you to find the result & admission forms and details, also helps to check examination details and attendance record etc.
Online school system is a web database application that is constructed with HTML web pages.PHP programming & Apache web Server Database accessing so that people can make online interaction easily without going outside home.
In the recent years, like organizations, schools main purpose to provide the facility to the user to take advantage by the means of checking online results, taking online admissions and providing their services to users in a very easiest way.
For providing information and user oriented services to their users now organization/schools should put services on the internet to facilitate students and users. In this project we will try to learn how a typical record can be moved from manual system to the computerized system.

Wireless mobile WIMAX Project

WiMAX, meaning Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is a telecommunications technology that provides for the wireless transmission of data using a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-point links to full mobile cellular-type access. The technology provides up to 70 Mb/sec symmetric broadband speed without the need for cables. The technology is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard (also called Wireless MAN). The name "WiMAX" was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformity and interoperability of the standard. The forum describes WiMAX as "a standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL"[1] (and also to High Speed Packet Access)
Our project based on Mobile WiMAX secure Authentication and Authorization of MS from ASN. Our work can be divided into three main entities: Mobile station, ASN and CSN. When we entered into the Mobile WiMAX network then after scanning the frequencies Mobile station synchronize the up link frequency and then obtain CID of the BTS. Then Mobile Station send authentication and authorization request to the ASN. In ASN there is AAA proxy client which route the subscriber request to AAA server in CSN. In AAA server validate the user by checking subscriber’s digital certificate (X.509) with the help of policy function database. If the user is authenticated then it will be generated an encrypted master key by evaluating the crypto system followed by the MS. Then update the subscriber’s profile and then send to the AAA client then AAA client create a service flow authorization and then send ACK to Mobile Station. Then MS decrypt the encrypted master key with its private key.

Mitigation of Ionospheric Scintillation Error in GPS

The tool is being created to produce certain graphs which help in understanding the scintillation in GPS communication.
The parameters being used are taken from the software by IEEA i.e. GISM v 5.1.GISM is a sole property of IEEA The output files produced by GISM are in tabular form and are created for every local time division. First we have to edit scintillation synthesis file, & remove all headers from it.
Name the edited file “syn.txt” and place it in the default directory.Now run the main.fig.
Click the buttons to generate appropriate graphs accordingly.

Search Engine With Intelligent Web Spider

Search Engine is a tool designed to search information on the World Wide Web. The search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits.The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or a mixture of algorithmic and human input.
1  Functional Requirements:
    The Functional Requirements of a Search Engine consists of the following four blocks:
A Web Crawler or Spider that follows HTML links in Web pages to gather documents.
An Indexer that indexes the documents crawled using some indexing rules and saves the indexed results for searching.
An Query Engine that performs the actual search and returns ranked results.
An Interface that allows users to interact with the query engine.
2. Project Scope:
This software project will cover the two major areas:

1  Database population ( with Spider/Crawler)

2  Web to search from database.

The responsibility of first module will be to move like a spider from one site to other, and to find the keywords of each webpage. These keywords will be found by separating them from a list of words like a, an, the, that, is, are, etc. And then the keywords will be stemmed out, by using Stemming Algorithm. Means the Management will be converted into Manage, Meetings into Meet and Cats into Cat etc. And these stemmed words will be stored in the database. While searching from site to site, this software will consider the privileges set for users on current site, means it will also examine the robots.txt (i.e. A file usually placed on restricted domains, and this file describes the privileges to use the content of that site), this software will also do the cycle handling while moving from site to site and will also counts number of times a certain web site is cited, means it will also do the statistical analysis. And on the basis of these analyzed statistics, the system will manage found keywords into manageable clusters/categories.
Second module will be web based and the responsibility of this module will be to search from the database maintained by the first module. It will search by taking value/input from user. And before search from database, this input will be stemmed by using the same Stemming algorithm of first module.

3  Significance of the project:

This project will be able to be used for these tasks:

1  To test for Bad links of web-pages in a site,Means if some one uploads his/her site having large number of pages, then it’s a headache for him/her to check the correctness of hierarchy of site. And this software will make ease for him/her to test the correctness of hierarchy and links by providing visual structure/view.
It can also help to test good (i.e. valid and having some target-page) or bad (i.e. invalid or without target-page) links in a web page.

2  To search for copyright violations.

   By using this spider, we will quickly map out all of the pages/links contained on a web site. Means if a site is pointing/linking to the content of some other copyrighted information/files, then this violation will be caught by watching the structure of that site. For example, we can check any site if it tries to point/link to the *.mp3 files placed at illegally.

There can be many other tasks, where this type of projects can be used.

4. Proposed methodology

Basically we will study different methodologies for this project and select the best one which gives best results. But at starting phase we will study and apply the following techniques/algorithms:

1  Stemming Algorithm to extract keywords from web pages.

2  Object oriented technique for development.

3  Making good indexing of fields in database, for fast searching.

During the project if any other algorithm other than that satisfies project requirements and our faculty supervisor then we’ll use that also. But the consideration will be made on the basis of its affects.



C++ Programs and Algorithms

C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language it was developed in 1980 at Bell is an important version of c language it provides the facility of working with objects and classes, it is a powerful language, Java, is based on C++ but optimized for the distribution of program objects in a network such as the Internet. Java is somewhat simpler and easier to learn than C++ and has characteristics that give it other advantages over C++. However, both languages require a considerable amount of study.

C++ Programe in Detail

DC Motor Using Matlab Project

DC motor is a basically a simple electric motor  uses both electric field as well as magnetic field to produce a torque that can run a motor. This conversion of energy is utilized for the generation of electricity. project “ DC Motor Using MATLAB Project ” designs a DC motor that is armature controlled. Hence here the armature coil is responsible of the magnitude of the current produced.
principle  operation used in motor is electromagnetism.  This force generated is proportional to the current flowing in the conductor and also on the strength of the external magnetic field.
This project the speed of  DC motor is controlled by the armature. There are many other methods that can be used to control the speed of the DC motor. There’s the voltage control method in which changes in voltage are made to control the speed of the motor. In the flux control method, the speed is controlled by making changes in the flux. Another method is rheostatic control in which the rheostat variations control the speed.
Click Here To Download Modeling of Armature Controlled DC Motor Using MATLAB Project Report 

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