C++ Students Projects ideas

Library Management System Project In C++

This C++ menu driven programs on LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM has book and student class with data members like book no, bookname, authorname. Books records is stored in a binary file. A student can issue book and deposit it within 15 days. Student is allowed to issue only one book. Student Records are stored in binary file. Administrator can add, modify or delete record. In this project, We have not used graphics to keep program simple.

Supermarket Billing PROJECT In C++

This C++ menu driven programs on SUPERMARKET BILLING SYSTEM has product class with data members like product no, product name, price, qty, tax, discount. Product details is stored in a binary file. A customer can purchase product and his invoice generated. Administrator can create, modify, view and delete product record. In this project, We have not used graphics to keep program simple.

C++ Games Projects ideas for Students

Puzzle Game Project In C++

This C++ program on TIC TAC TOE GAME is a simple text base game. This program is without grahics to focus on logic /algorithm used in game. Two players can play this game.

CASINO Game student Project In C++

This C++ program on CASINO GAME is a simple text base game.We have used procedure oriented method to design this game. This program is without grahics to keep program easy for beginners. Player can deposit his money to play. From this amount he can bet on number between 1 to 12. If he win he gets 10 times of money otherwise lost his money. In this project, We have used programming concept like do..while loop, user defined function, library function like randomize(), random() etc. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, output screen (.doc file).

SNAKE AND LADDER Game student Project In C++

This C++ program on SNAKE AND LADDER GAME is a simple text base game.We have used procedure oriented method to design this game. This program is without grahics to keep program simple for beginners. Two players can play this game and the player who cross 100 first is the winner. In this project, We have used programming concept like switch..case, call by reference, library function like randomize(), random() etc.


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